近似推断--HMC 方法
〖摘要〗 〖原文〗 Standford cs228 notes 〖参考〗CMU 10-708 Slides / CMU 10-708 Lecture Notes / Jordan TextBook, Ch.2(section 2.2 - end) / Koller’s Textbook,Ch.4 / A. Fischer and C. Igel, An Introducton to Restricted Boltzmann Machines / B. A. Cipra, An Introduction to the Ising Model
近似推断--MCMC 方法
〖摘要〗 〖原文〗 Standford cs228 notes 〖参考〗CMU 10-708 Slides / CMU 10-708 Lecture Notes / Jordan TextBook, Ch.2(section 2.2 - end) / Koller’s Textbook,Ch.4 / A. Fischer and C. Igel, An Introducton to Restricted Boltzmann Machines / B. A. Cipra, An Introduction to the Ising Model
〖摘要〗 〖原文〗 Standford cs228 notes 〖参考〗CMU 10-708 Slides / CMU 10-708 Lecture Notes / Jordan TextBook, Ch.2(section 2.2 - end) / Koller’s Textbook,Ch.4 / A. Fischer and C. Igel, An Introducton to Restricted Boltzmann Machines / B. A. Cipra, An Introduction to the Ising Model
〖摘要〗 〖原文〗 Standford cs228 notes 〖参考〗CMU 10-708 Slides / CMU 10-708 Lecture Notes / Jordan TextBook, Ch.2(section 2.2 - end) / Koller’s Textbook,Ch.4 / A. Fischer and C. Igel, An Introducton to Restricted Boltzmann Machines / B. A. Cipra, An Introduction to the Ising Model
〖摘要〗 〖原文〗 Standford cs228 notes 〖参考〗CMU 10-708 Slides / CMU 10-708 Lecture Notes / Jordan TextBook, Ch.2(section 2.2 - end) / Koller’s Textbook,Ch.4 / A. Fischer and C. Igel, An Introducton to Restricted Boltzmann Machines / B. A. Cipra, An Introduction to the Ising Model
〖摘要〗 〖原文〗 Standford cs228 notes 〖参考〗CMU 10-708 Slides / CMU 10-708 Lecture Notes / Jordan TextBook, Ch.2(section 2.2 - end) / Koller’s Textbook,Ch.4 / A. Fischer and C. Igel, An Introducton to Restricted Boltzmann Machines / B. A. Cipra, An Introduction to the Ising Model
🔟 常用模型--因子分析与状态空间模型
〖摘要〗 〖原文〗 Standford cs228 notes 〖参考〗CMU 10-708 Slides / CMU 10-708 Lecture Notes / Jordan TextBook, Ch.2(section 2.2 - end) / Koller’s Textbook,Ch.4 / A. Fischer and C. Igel, An Introducton to Restricted Boltzmann Machines / B. A. Cipra, An Introduction to the Ising Model
9️⃣ 常用模型--高斯图模型与伊辛模型
〖摘要〗 〖原文〗 Standford cs228 notes 〖参考〗CMU 10-708 Slides / CMU 10-708 Lecture Notes / Jordan TextBook, Ch.2(section 2.2 - end) / Koller’s Textbook,Ch.4 / A. Fischer and C. Igel, An Introducton to Restricted Boltzmann Machines / B. A. Cipra, An Introduction to the Ising Model
8️⃣ 常用模型--离散序列模型( HMM 和 CRF )
〖摘要〗 〖原文〗 Standford cs228 notes 〖参考〗CMU 10-708 Slides / CMU 10-708 Lecture Notes / Jordan TextBook, Ch.2(section 2.2 - end) / Koller’s Textbook,Ch.4 / A. Fischer and C. Igel, An Introducton to Restricted Boltzmann Machines / B. A. Cipra, An Introduction to the Ising Model
6️⃣ 概率图推断--部分可观测马尔可夫随机场及 EM 算法
〖摘要〗 〖原文〗 Standford cs228 notes 〖参考〗CMU 10-708 Slides / CMU 10-708 Lecture Notes / Jordan TextBook, Ch.2(section 2.2 - end) / Koller’s Textbook,Ch.4 / A. Fischer and C. Igel, An Introducton to Restricted Boltzmann Machines / B. A. Cipra, An Introduction to the Ising Model