原文: Finley, A. O., Banerjee, S., & E.Gelfand, A. (2015). SpBayes for Large Univariate and Multivariate Point-Referenced Spatio-Temporal Data Models. Journal of Statistical Software, 63(13). https://doi.org/10.18637/jss.v063.i13
Andrew O. Finley,密歇根州立大学
Sudipto Banerjee,加州大学洛杉矶分校
Alan E. Gelfand, 杜克大学
Multivariate spatial regression models consider m point-referenced outcomes that are regressed, at each location, on a known set of predictors
yj(s)=xj(s)⊤βj+wj(s)+ϵj(s), for j=1,2,…,m,
where xj(s) is a pj×1 vector of predictors associated with outcome j,βj is the pj×1 slope, wj(s) and ϵj(s) are the spatial and random error processes associated with outcome yj(s). Customarily, we assume the unstructured residuals ε(s)=(ϵ1(s),ϵ2(s),…,ϵm(s))⊤ follow a zero-centered multivariate normal distribution with zero mean and an m×m dispersion matrix Ψ.
Spatial variation is modeled using an m×1 Gaussian process w(s)=(w1(s),…,wm(s))⊤, specified by a zero mean and a cross-covariance matrix Cw(s,t) with entries being covariance between wi(s) and wj(t). spBayes uses the linear model of coregionalization (LMC) to specify the cross-covariance. This assumes that Cw(s,t)=AM(s,t)A⊤, where A is m×m lowertriangular and M(s,t) is m×m diagonal with each diagonal entry a spatial correlation function endowed with its own set of process parameters.
Suppose we have observed the m outcomes in each of b locations. Let y be n×1, where n=mb, obtained by stacking up the y(si) 's over the b locations. Let X be the n×p matrix of predictors associated with y, where p=∑j=1mpj, and β is p×1 with the βj 's stacked correspondingly. Then, the hierarchical multivariate spatial regression models arise from (1) with the following specifications: D(θ)=Ib⊗Ψ,α is n×1 formed by stacking the wi 's and K(θ) is n×n partitioned into m×m blocks given by AM(si,sj)A⊤. The positive-definiteness of K(θ) is ensured by the linear model of coregionalization (Gelfand, Schmidt, Banerjee, and Sirmans 2004). spBayes also offers low rank multivariate models involving the predictive process and the modified predictive process that can be estimated using strategies analogous to Section 2.3. Both the full rank multivariate Gaussian model and its predictive process counterpart are implemented in the spMvLM function. Notation and additional background for fitting these models is given by Banerjee et al. (2008) and Finley et al. (2009) as well as example code in the spMvLM documentation examples.
6 非高斯模型
Two typical non-Gaussian first stage settings are implemented in spBayes: i ) binary response at locations modeled using logit or probit regression, and; ii) count data at locations modeled using Poisson regression. Diggle, Moyeed, and Tawn (1998) unify the use of generalized linear models in spatial data contexts. See also Lin, Wahba, Xiang, Gao, Klein, and Klein (2000), Kammann and Wand (2003) and Banerjee et al. (2004). Here we replace the Gaussian likelihood in (1) with the assumption that E[y(s)] is linear on a transformed scale, i.e., η(s)≡g(E(y(s)))=x(s)⊤β+w(s) where g(⋅) is a suitable link function. We refer to these as spatial generalized linear models (GLMs).
With the Gaussian first stage, we can marginalize over the spatial effects and implement our MCMC over a reduced parameter space. With a binary or Poisson first stage, such marginalization is precluded and we have to update the spatial effects in running our Gibbs sampler. We offer both the traditional random-walk Metropolis as well as the adaptive random-walk Metropolis (Roberts and Rosenthal 2009) to update the spatial effects. spBayes also provides low-rank predictive process versions for spatial GLMs. The analogue of (1) is
where f(⋅) represents a Bernoulli or Poisson density with η(s) represents the mean of y(s) on a transformed scale. This model and its predictive process counterpart is implemented in the spgLM function. These models are extended to accommodate multivariate settings, outlined in Section 5, using the spMvGLM function.
7 动态时空模型
There are many different flavors of spatio-temporal data and an extensive statistical literature that addresses the most common settings. The approach adopted here applies to the setting where space is viewed as continuous, but time is assumed to be discrete. Put another way, we view the data as a time series of spatial process realizations and work in the setting of dynamic models. Building upon previous work in the setting of dynamic models by West and Harrison (1997), several authors, including Stroud, Müler, and Sansó (2001) and Gelfand, Banerjee, and Gamerman (2005), proposed dynamic frameworks to model residual spatial and temporal dependence. These proposed frameworks are flexible and easily extended to accommodate nonstationary and multivariate outcomes.
Dynamic linear models, or state-space models, have gained tremendous popularity in recent years in fields as disparate as engineering, economics, genetics, and ecology. They offer a versatile framework for fitting several time-varying models (West and Harrison 1997). Gelfand et al. (2005) adapted the dynamic modeling framework to spatio-temporal models with spatially varying coefficients. Alternative adaptations of dynamic linear models to space-time data can be found in Stroud et al. (2001).
7.1. Model specification
spBayes offers a relatively simple version of the dynamic models in Gelfand et al. (2005). Suppose, yt(s) denotes the observation at location s and time t. We model yt(s) through a measurement equation that provides a regression specification with a space-time varying intercept and serially and spatially uncorrelated zero-centered Gaussian disturbances as measurement error ϵt(s). Next a transition equation introduces a p×1 coefficient vector, say βt, which is a purely temporal component (i.e., time-varying regression parameters), and a spatio-temporal component ut(s). Both these are generated through transition equations, capturing their Markovian dependence in time. While the transition equation of the purely temporal component is akin to usual state-space modeling, the spatio-temporal component is generated using Gaussian spatial processes. The overall model is written as
where the abbreviations ind. and i.i.d are independent and independent and identically distributed, respectively. Here xt(s) is a p×1 vector of predictors and βt is a p×1 vector of coefficients. In addition to an intercept, xt(s) can include location specific variables useful for explaining the variability in yt(s). The GP(0,Ct(⋅,θt)) denotes a spatial Gaussian process with covariance function Ct(⋅;θt). We customarily specify Ct(s1,s2;θt)=σt2ρ(s1,s2;ϕt), where θt={σt2,ϕt} and ρ(⋅;ϕ) is a correlation function with ϕ controlling the correlation decay and σt2 represents the spatial variance component. We further assume β0∼N(m0,Σ0) and u0(s)≡0, which completes the prior specifications leading to a well-identified Bayesian hierarchical model with reasonable dependence structures. In practice, estimation of model parameters are usually very robust to these hyper-prior specifications. Also note that (17) reduces to a simple spatial regression model for t=1.
We consider settings where the inferential interest lies in spatial prediction or interpolation over a region for a set of discrete time points. We also assume that the same locations are monitored for each time point resulting in a space-time matrix whose rows index the locations and columns index the time points, i.e., the (i,j)-th element is yj(si). Our algorithm will accommodate the situation where some cells of the space-time data matrix may have missing observations, as is common in monitoring environmental variables.
Conducting full Bayesian inference for (17) is computationally onerous and spBayes also offers a modified predictive process counterpart of (17). This is achieved by replacing ut(s) in (17) with u~t(s)=∑k=1t[w~k(s)+ϵ~k(s)], where w~k(s) is the predictive process as defined in (14) and the “adjustment” ϵ~t(s) compensates for the oversmoothing by the conditional expectation component and the consequent underestimation of spatial variability (see Finley, Banerjee, and Gelfand 2012) for details.