地理知识图谱awesome list
Janowicz, K. and Scheider, S., Pehle, T., and Hart, G. (2012): Geospatial Semantics and Linked Spatiotemporal Data - Past, Present, and Future (editorial). Semantic Web 3(4), pp. 321-332.
Janowicz, K. and Hitzler, P. (2012): The Digital Earth as Knowledge Engine (editorial). Semantic Web Journal, 3(3), pp. 213-221.
Janowicz, K. and Hitzler, P. (2015): Geospatial Semantic Web. The International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology. SAGE Publications.
Janowicz, K., Scheider, S., and Adams, B. (2013; forthcoming): A Geo-Semantics Flyby.
- Purves, Ross S., Clough, Paul, Jones, Christopher B., Hall, Mark H and Murdock, Vanessa 2018. Geographic information retrieval: progress and challenges in spatial search of text. Foundations and Trends in Information Retrieval 12 (2-3) , pp. 164-318. 10.1561/1500000034
1.1 RDF/OWL/建模语言
1.2 地理空间本体设计
- Janowicz, K., Haller, A., Cox, S., Le Phuoc, D., and Lefrancois, M. (2018): SOSA: A Lightweight Ontology for Sensors, Observations, Samples, and Actuators. Journal of Web Semantics.
- Leo Obrst, Michael Gruninger, Ken Baclawski, Mike Bennett, Dan Brickley, Gary Berg-Cross, Pascal Hitzler, Krzysztof Janowicz, Christine Kapp, Oliver Kutz, Christoph Lange, Anatoly Levenchuk, Francesca Quattri, Alan Rector, Todd Schneider, Simon Spero, Anne Thessen, Marcela Vegetti, Amanda Vizedom, Andrea Westerinen, Matthew West and Peter Yim (2014): Semantic Web and Big Data meets Applied Ontology (Communique). Applied Ontology Journal 9 (2), IOS Press, pp. 155-170.
- Kalbasi, R., Janowicz, K., Reitsma, F., Boerboom, L., Alesheikh, A. (2104): Collaborative Ontology Development for the Geosciences. Transactions in GIS.Volume 18, Issue 6, pp. 834-851
- Janowicz, K. (2012): Observation-Driven Geo-Ontology Engineering. Transactions in GIS, 16(3), pp. 351-37
1.3 本体设计模式
Janowicz, K., Gangemi, A., Hitzler, P., Krisnadhi, A., and Presutti, V. (2016): Introduction: Ontology Design Patterns in a Nutshell. In P. Hitzler, A. Gangemi, K. Janowicz, A. Krisnadhi, and V. Presutti (Eds), Ontology Engineering with Ontology Design Patterns: Foundations and Applications. IOS Press 1-6.
Janowicz, K.(2016): Modeling Ontology Design Patterns with Domain Experts - A View From the Trenches. In P. Hitzler, A. Gangemi, K. Janowicz, A. Krisnadhi, and V. Presutti (Eds), Ontology Engineering with Ontology Design Patterns: Foundations and Applications. IOS Press 239-249.
Janowicz, K., Krisnadhi, A., Hu, Y., Suh, S., Weidema, B. P., Rivela, B., Tivander, J., Meyer, D., Berg-Cross, G., Hitzler, P., Ingwersen, W., Kuczenski, B., Vardeman, C., Ju, Y., and Cheatham, M. (2015): A Minimal Ontology Pattern for Life Cycle Assessment Data. 6th ISWC Workshop on Ontology and Semantic Web Patterns (WOP 2015).
Janowicz, K. and Compton, M. (2010): The Stimulus-Sensor-Observation Ontology Design Pattern and its Integration into the Semantic Sensor Network Ontology. In Kerry Taylor, Arun Ayyagari, David De Roure (Eds.): The 3rd International workshop on Semantic Sensor Networks 2010 (SSN10) in conjunction with the 9th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2010), 7-11 November 2010, Shanghai,China. 2010.
3.1 图数据库
3.2 空间索引
3.3 查询优化
W3C的SPARQL标准: https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-sparql-query/
OGC的GeoSPARQL标准: https://www.ogc.org/standards/geosparql
3.1 地理解析
3.2 地理编码
4.1 实体连接