15.5 文献笔记
15.5 文献笔记¶
这里讨论的随机森林是Breiman(2001)1提出来的,经很多想法很早一前就以不同的形式出现了。值得一提的是,Ho(1995)2提出“random forest”的概念,并且用了在随机的特征子空间中增长树。采用随机排列和平均来避免过拟合是由Kleinberg (1990)3提出来的,最后出现在Kleinberg (1996)4中。Amit and Geman (1997)5采用在图象特征中增长随机树来处理图象分类问题。Breiman (1996a)6引出了bagging
,这是他的随机森林的先驱。Dietterich (2000b)7也提出采用额外的随机化来提高bagging
的性能。Friedman and Hall (2007)8证明了子采样(不放回)是bagging
有许多免费的软件实现随机森林。这章中,书中采用R中的randomForest包,由Andy Liaw维护,可以在CRAN
网站上得到。这同时允许分割变量选择,以及子采样。Adele Cutler维护一个随机森林的网站http://www.math.usu.edu/∼adele/forests/
,其中由Leo Breiman和Adele Cutler编写的软件是免费的。他们的代码,以及名字“random forests”,是专门授权Salford Systems进行商业发行的。新西兰的Waikato大学的Weka
- 1
Breiman, L. (2001). Random forests, Machine Learning 45: 5–32.
- 2
Ho, T. K. (1995). Random decision forests, in M. Kavavaugh and P. Storms (eds), Proc. Third International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, Vol. 1, IEEE Computer Society Press, New York, pp. 278–282.
- 3
Kleinberg, E. M. (1990). Stochastic discrimination, Annals of Mathematical Artificial Intelligence 1: 207–239.
- 4
Kleinberg, E. M. (1996). An overtraining-resistant stochastic modeling method for pattern recognition, Annals of Statistics 24: 2319–2349.
- 5
Amit, Y. and Geman, D. (1997). Shape quantization and recognition with randomized trees, Neural Computation 9: 1545–1588.
- 6
Breiman, L. (1996a). Bagging predictors, Machine Learning 26: 123–140.
- 7
Dietterich, T. (2000b). An experimental comparison of three methods for constructing ensembles of decision trees:
, boosting, and randomization, Machine Learning 40(2): 139–157.- 8
Friedman, J. and Hall, P. (2007). On
and nonlinear estimation, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 137: 669–683.